sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Tres congresos: IUGB 2009, WDA 2009 y EWDA 2010

Cuelgo aquí información sobre tres congresos sobre "alimañas y vermes":

-El XXIX Congreso de la IUGB (International Union of Game Biologists, o sea, de biólogos de la caza), que tendrá lugar este agosto en Moscú, y para el que hay hasta junio para inscribirse.

-El 58º Congreso de la WDA (Wildlife Diseases Association, o asociación para el estudio de las enfermedades de la fauna silvestre), que es en un poco más lejos, en los EE.UU., y cuyo registro acaba en julio.
-El 9º Congreso de la EWDA (European Wildlife Diseases Association, esto es, la sección europea de la anterior), que tendrá lugar en Septiembre de 2010 en Holanda. ¡Todavía queda lo suyo para éste!
Pego aquí la primera circular:

"Preliminary announcement for the ninth EWDA conference
On the Dutch island of Vlieland:
‘The interface between wildlife diseases and public health’
The next EWDA conference will be held from 6 to 10 September 2010 on the island of Vlieland, The Netherlands. Vlieland is a sparsely populated island of 12 x 2 km that lies between the North Sea and the Wadden Sea. The Wadden Sea is famous for its rich flora and fauna, and is a major stopover location for migrating waterbirds. Its landscape is made up of dunes, salt meadows, mud flats, beaches, polders and forests. Cars are forbidden except for the islanders, but the island is best explored by bicycle anyway. Zoonotic wildlife diseases threaten not only wild animals, but through these also domesticated animals and humans. Emerging infectious diseases are known to arise for 75% from the animal reservoir, in which wildlife plays an important role. The conference central theme, ‘ The interface between wildlife diseases and public health’, bridges animal and human health, and will therefore be of great interest for people from many different disciplines, ranging from both public health professionals and wildlife diseases specialists, to ecologists, biologists, epidemiologists et cetera. The scientific committee is currently working on a programme that will cover different aspects of wildlife zoonotic diseases. Topics that will be addressed include the different pathogens (and their vectors) of present and future interest for wildlife, domestic animals and humans, and also related topics such as climate change and its impact on the ecology of certain species, human behaviour and altered risk for contact with reservoir/vector species, the impact of import of exotic species and migration of wildlife species. Next to plenary sessions, different workshops will be organised. And of course, ample time for meeting friends and collegues is scheduled, be it during the breaks or during excursions. Vlieland is the right place to get a breath of really fresh air. After this conference, your heart will be free of troubles while your head will surely be full of interesting new scientific knowledge. Please, note this date in your agenda and watch the EWDA website, further information and the possibility to register and send your abstracts will follow soon!
For touristic information you can look at: http://www.waddenzee.nl/ or http://www.vlieland.nl/ , push the button for English text."

By the way, los abstracts del 8º Congreso de la EWDA ya están accesibles aquí.

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